Getting acquainted with Ataşehir district

Getting acquainted with Ataşehir district

Immigrants have a special devotion to Istanbul’s Ataşehir district! When buying property in Turkey, it is always chosen as one of the main destinations. The district is located in the Asian part of the big city of Istanbul, and with its amenities, both material and spiritual, is one of the best places to buy a house and live.

In the article on ‘Istanbul Hamrah” website, we intend to introduce Ataşehir district of Istanbul. As we have always mentioned, we are still saying that Istanbul is the best city to buy property in Turkey. However, knowing its areas and neighborhoods is a prerequisite for any action to do. So join us to get to know Ataşehir district of Istanbul more…

Geographical location of Ataşehir district

 As we mentioned in the introduction, Ataşehir district of Istanbul is located in the Asian part of this great city. It is bordered by Maltepe neighborhood to the south. From the east, it is adjacent to the two districts of uskudar and Kadikoy. The district is limited to Sanjak Tepe neighborhood from the west and is adjacent to umraniyeh district in the north.

The area of ​​the district is about 25.8 square kilometers. Its population is about 430 thousand people. The population density of Ataşehir district is about 160 people per square meter, which is much less than the central areas of the city. The district is about 20 km (40 minutes) from the center of Istanbul, Taksim Square.

Ataşehir district is one of the ilces of Istanbul. According to geographical divisions, the region can be considered a “city”. Atasehir district consists of 17 neighborhoods:

Aşık VeyselAtatürk
MevlanaMimar Sinan
Mustafa KemalÖrnek
Yeni ÇamlıcaYeni Sahra

History of Ataşehir district

Each of Istanbul’s neighborhoods has its own history and background. The same is true of Ataşehir district. It is one of the newest and most modern districts in Istanbul and does not have a long history. For this reason, it has made major differences with other neighborhoods in the city.

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Atashir district was established in 2009. The area was originally formed from the separation of the lands of the surrounding neighborhoods, namely Kadikoy, umraniyeh, uskudar and Kartal. From then on, the development plan of the district began. The goal was to build about 18,000 apartments (in the form of residential complexes) in the district. This amount of apartments was enough to accommodate nearly 80,000 people.

Ataşehir district was founded from the beginning to be a place for the upper middle class to live. For this reason, it can be considered as one of the most expensive areas in Istanbul. It is worth mentioning that the area is full of high-rise towers and skyscrapers, which are mostly residential. Turkey’s tallest residential tower, with 70 floors and 301 meters in height, is located right in the district.

Atasehir district in the present era

Today, it is one of the most modern districts in all of Istanbul. As we mentioned in the previous section, the district is full of all kinds of residential towers and tall skyscrapers. This urban structure has given a modern face to the district. Many people compare Istanbul’s Ataşehir district with New York.

Not only residential towers, but also many office and commercial towers are located in the district. Many great companies and commercial holdings have chosen their main building in the district. For this reason, Istanbul’s Ataşehir district can be considered one of the most important economic hubs in Turkey.

Ataşehir district is growing every year and more residential and commercial projects are being built there. If you are looking to invest in Turkey by buying a property, this growing district can undoubtedly be an ideal choice for you.

Amenities of Atasehir district

To live in Turkey, more than anything else, you need to pay attention to the amenities of your place of residence. The issue is doubly important especially in Istanbul. The more amenities a neighborhood has, the greater the value of the property. In this regard, fortunately, Atasehir district of Istanbul is in a really appropriate situation.

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The amenities of Atasehir district can be expressed in the following categories:

Public transportation

The issue of transportation is perhaps more important than any other facilities. In this regard, Atasehir district provide metro and bus lines. The Istanbul M4 line passes through the same neighborhood, and the M8, M12 and M34 lines are under construction. In addition, the D100 highway is only three minutes away from Atasehir. Bus lines are also found in abundance in the district that run regularly.

shopping center

One of the most important advantages of each region is the existence of different shopping centers in it. In fact, Turkish shopping malls are highly popular among tourists, and in addition to being a place of entertainment, they also affect the value of the property. In Ataşehir district, there are some of Istanbul’s top shopping malls, such as Palladium, Optimum, Brandium, Nevada and Carrefour.

Educational centers

Two of Turkey’s top universities are located in Ataşehir district of Istanbul. Therefore, if you are looking to get a residence permit in Turkey through education, the district may be right for you. Yeditepe Private University and Acıbadem University are both located in the district. Besides, the district has 60 kindergartens, 41 primary schools and 41 secondary schools.

Recreational places

Atasehir district is not considered a tourist area and does not have many historical sites. Instead, it has many cafes, restaurants, parks and green spaces. Ulker Sports Hall, Atasehir Sports Club, Bülent Ecevit Park, Nazem Hikmat Park, Deniz Gezmiş Grand Park and Necmettin Erbakan Park are among the recreational areas of Atasehir.

deniz gezmis parki

nazim hikmet park

Buying and renting a house in Atasehir district

Undoubtedly, many of you who are the addressees of the article, visit the site with the aim of getting a residence permit in Turkey. One of the easiest ways to get a residency is to buy a property in Turkey, for which the Ataşehir district of Istanbul can be a very suitable destination. The district is among the upper and middle areas of Istanbul that attracts many people.

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Istanbul Hamrah, as a home buying site in Turkey, has always tried to provide the most accurate information to its readers. With the help of the consultants, the latest statistics has prepared on the purchase or rental price of property in Ataşehir district of Istanbul.

The purchase price of a house in each neighborhood of Atasehir district of Istanbul, is as follows:

The name of the neighborhoodUnit price (Per square meter)Total price (For a 100-meter house)
Barbaros36,700 lira3,400,000 lira
Atatürk32,000 lira2,720,000 lira
Küçükbakkalköy24,000 lira1,600,000 lira
Yenişehir20,200 lira1,830,000 lira
Örnek16,300 lira785,000 lira
Fetih13,400 lira920,000 lira
İçerenköy12,700 lira840,000 lira
Esatpaşa12,600 lira710,000 lira
Mevlana12,500 lira680,000 lira
Aşık Veysel12,400 lira630,000 lira
Price (in the whole area)19,500 lira2,230,000 lira

The rental price of a house in  Atashir district of Istanbul is as follows:

The name of the neighborhoodMonthly rental Price
Barbaros8250 lira
Atatürk7670 lira
Küçükbakkalköy5000 lira
Yenişehir6000 lira
Örnek3500 lira
Fetih3860 lira
İçerenköy3500 lira
Esatpaşa3200 lira
Mevlana2670 lira
Aşık Veysel3600 lira
Price (in the whole area)6620 lira

about this in the article “apartment prices in Istanbul 2024”.

Frequently Asked Questions

Where is Ataşehir district of Istanbul located?

It is located in the Asian part of Istanbul, next to the district of umraniye, uskudar and Kadikoy.

What are the features of Ataşehir district?

The district is full of tall residential towers and multi-story residences. In addition, there are many projects under construction.

What is the average property price in Ataşehir Istanbul?

The average property price in the area is about 20,000 lira per square meter. The average rental price is about 6700 lira per month.

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