Getting acquainted with Esenyurt district of Istanbul and property prices in 2024

محله اسن یورت استانبول

Esenyurt is one of the few neighborhoods in Istanbul that is ideal for immigrants in every way. This modern and newly built neighborhood is full of towers and luxury residential apartments and, of course at a very reasonable price. This in itself is a strong point for more immigrants to live in the neighborhood.

In the article in Istanbul Hamrah, we, as property buying consultants in Turkey, intend to introduce the other neighborhoods of the great Istanbul. And today, it is time to discuss about the district or the Esenyurt neighborhood of Istanbul. As our belief and slogan, knowing the neighborhoods of the city and being aware of their facilities is a basic principle for living and getting residency. So join us to get to know the district better.

Geographical location of Esenyurt district

Esenyurt is located in the European part of the city. It is adjacent to Beylikdüzü district to the south and the Arnavutköy district to the north. It is also adjacent to Avcilar neighborhood and Basaksehir neighborhood from the east, and the BuyukÇekmece district from the west. In addition, the small Çekmece Lake is located in the east of the same district. The area of ​​this region is about 2770 hectares and its population in the last census was about 900 thousand people. Esenyurt district is about 26 km from Ataturk Airport and 30 km from the center of Istanbul.

Esenyurt district is one of the ilces or cities of Istanbul province and has 43 neighborhoods which are as follows:

  • (Akçaburgaz Mahallesi)
  • (Akevler Mahallesi)
  • (Akşemseddin Mahallesi)
  • (Ardiçli Mahallesi)
  • (Aşik Veysel Mahallesi)
  • (Atatürk Mahallesi)
  • (Bağlarçeşme Mahallesi)
  • (Balikyolu Mahallesi)
  • (Barbaros Hayreddin Paşa)
  • (Battal Gazi Mahallesi)
  • (Cumhuriyet Mahallesi)
  • (çinar Mahallesi)
  • (Esenkent Mahallesi)
  • (Fatih Mahallesi)
  • (Gokevler Mahallesi)
  • (Güzelyurt Mahallesi)
  • (Hürriyet Mahallesi)
  •  (Incirtepe Mahallesi)
  • (Inonü Mahallesi)
  •  (Istiklal Mahallesi)
  •  (Koza Mahallesi)
  • (Mehmet Akif Ersoy Mahallesi)
  •  (Mehterçeşme Mahallesi)
  • (Mevlana Mahallesi)
  • (Namik Kemal Mahallesi)
  •  (Necip Fazil Kisakürek Mahallesi)
  • (Orhan Gazi Mahallesi)
  •  (Osmangazi Mahallesi)
  • (Ornek Mahallesi)
  • (Pinar Mahallesi)
  • (Piri Reis Mahallesi)
  • (Saadetdere Mahallesi)
  •  (Selahaddin Eyyubi Mahallesi)
  • (Sultaniye Mahallesi)
  • (Suleymaniye Mahallesi)
  • (şehitler Mahallesi)
  • (Talat Paşa Mahallesi)
  • (Turgut Ozal Mahallesi)
  • (Uçevler Mahallesi)
  • (Yenikent Mahallesi)
  • (Yeşilkent Mahallesi)
  • (Yunus Emre Mahallesi)
  • (Zafer Mahallesi)
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History of Esenyurt district

EsenYurt district dates back to the early 19th century. The neighborhood was originally part of the agricultural lands of a person named “Akram Omar Pasha” and gradually became an area for immigrants. The area was originally called Eşkinoz, and later in 1967, it was renamed Essen Yurt. From the very beginning, the area was considered an immigrant region, and many Turks from all over Istanbul and Turkey came to the region to work on the fields and build a better life.
Between 1920 and 1938, groups of Romanian and Bulgarian immigrants came to the area, and the formation of the urban areas of Esenyurt district began gradually from that time.

Features of Esenyurt district

Although Istanbul is considered the best city to buy property in Turkey and is also an immigrant city, some areas may be weak in this regard. Esenyurt district, however, is one of the most immigrant-friendly areas in the entire city and has a historical background, as mentioned in the previous section. Esenyurt district has been immigrant-friendly in the past, besides, the number of migrants in the area has multiplied in recent years especially since 2020, and statistics show that 50,000 people migrate to the area annually. This has created many opportunities for work, life and education, and immigrants have been greatly attracted to the district.

Reasonable and economical prices for buying or renting a property, the existence of many job opportunities, the new urban and the young population, and the existence of the top Turkish universities in the region are all among the features and strengths of Esenyurt district of Istanbul.

Amenities of EssenYurt district

To live in Turkey, it is really important to first consider the amenities of each area and investigate the features of the region in this regard. Fortunately, Essenyurt is the best of many districts in Istanbul in terms of amenities, and you should be contentment about this.

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The amenities of the Esenyurt district of Istanbul are as follows:

Urban transportation system

The most important thing in the amenities of any area that you should pay attention to is the access route to that area and the urban transportation system. In this regard, it should be said that the TEM Highway in the north of  Esenyurt district and the presence of Firuzköy and E5 roads in the south have made access to the area really easy. In addition, the presence of 4 bus lines and 4 metro bus lines in the area has added to the value of the property in EssenYurt.

Sights of the Essen Yurt neighborhood

Shopping center

Definitely, one of the most popular pastimes is visiting Turkish shopping malls, and Istanbul’s Esenyurt district is really rich in this regard. Some of the top shopping malls in Istanbul, including the Eskule Shopping Mall, the Thorium, the City Center and the Akbati AVM, are located in the neighborhood and are not only a place for entertainment, but also great for business.

Health centers

Undoubtedly, for staying in Turkey, it is necessary to pay attention to the health centers in the region. From this point of view, we must say that the Esenyurt district of Istanbul is in a proper condition. The existence of 1 public hospital, 4 private hospitals, 2 dialysis centers, 190 pharmacies, 157 family doctor clinics, 26 oral and polyclinic clinics, etc. will meet your need for medical services in the best possible way.

Educational Centers

The existence of numerous educational centers and the location of the top Turkish universities in the Esenyurt district of Istanbul, and of course, the reasonable price of the property, has made this district really ideal for student life. Istanbul Esenyurt University, Beykent University, Gelisim University, and Fatih University are among the top educational centers in the region.

Buying and renting a property in Essenyurt district

As a home buying site in Istanbul, it is of particular importance to address the issue of property prices. Fortunately, we have to tell you that property prices in the Esenyurt area are cheaper than in any other neighborhoods in the city. Although the prices of villas in Esenyurt district can be a bit expensive, in general, the prices of apartments are really economical.

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By buying an apartment in Esenyurt district, you can get a Turkish passport in the shortest possible time and start a new life in the country forever.

The purchase prices of apartments in Esenyurt district in 2024 are as follows:

The name of the neighborhoodPrice (Per square meter)Total price (100-meters house)
Koza7400 lira815,000 lira
Zafer6800 lira720,000 lira
Aşik Veysel6000 lira750,000 lira
Esenkent5700 lira830,000 lira
Akevler5400 lira570,000 lira
Mevlana5200 lira715,000 lira
Orhan Gazi4700 lira480,000 lira
Osmangazi3100 lira340,000 lira
Selahaddin Eyyubi2900 lira315,000 lira
Average price

(In the whole region)
6300 lira690,000 lira

The rental price of an apartment in EsenYurt district is as follows:

The name of the neighborhoodMonthly rent (100-meter house)
Koza3400 lira
Zafer3100 lira
Aşik Veysel2900 lira
Esenkent3800 lira
Akevler2700 lira
Mevlana3500 lira
Orhan Gazi3700 lira
Osmangazi2000 lira
Selahaddin Eyyubi1900 lira
Average price

(In the whole region)
3800 lira

Frequently Asked Questions

In which part of Istanbul is Essenyurt district located?

It is located in the European part of the city, adjacent to the neighborhoods of Beylikdüzü, Arnavutköy and Avcilar.

What are the features of Esenyurt district of Istanbul?

It is an immigrant-friendly district and it has a young population.  In addition it is very economical, and the property price is really cheap.

What is the average property price in Esenyurt district of Istanbul?

The average house price is about 6300 lira per square meter and the average rental price is about 3800 lira.

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